45 years old male comes to GP complaining of slowly enlarging swelling on his upper back. However, he says that it is painless.
On examination: The mass is well marginated, non-tender, mobile and soft in consistency.
If you are the GP incharged,
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Please describe the histology above.
Presence of proliferated white fat cells
Presence of proliferated white fat cells
There is no pleomorphism seen
What do you expect to find in the x-ray?
Well circumscribed, homogenous and similar density as adjacent fat
Well circumscribed, homogenous and similar density as adjacent fat
What would you offer to him as a treatment?
Complete resection of the lipoma
Complete resection of the lipoma
So, a bit info on LIPOMA
–Benign soft tissue tumor which is common among adult (40-70 years).
–M > F [kalo tumor2 tulang ni, banyak yang affected is MALE]
• Subcutis
• Upper back
• Shoulder or neck
p/s: Ainaa, ingat x kes ni time kita 1st year? the feeling of touching the "lipid sac"?
sharing is caring 5 :)
of course ingat=p
na,from this history and PE,ada tak sspecial finding untuk nrrow to disease?
i think,from the finding,it is only a benign tumor je.onley histological examination ke kita bleh tau itu lipoma
yup,lipoma lembut mcm peganng belon berisi air=p
apart from histo.. dunno laa.. huhu~ sorry, can't help you, miss ainaa..
to mr azizi.. itu laa.. sapa suh nama hang mula dgn huruf m.. kami pegi KRK dulu time 1st year.. kebetulan ada sorg pak cik ni dtg and dr bagi kami pegang lipoma tu.. kalo nak rasa mobile ke x, pi pg beli belon, then isi air, rasa mobile ke x.. hehe~
ada hikmah rupanya program A Day In Doctor's Life.. at last, nampak gak hikmah sebalik program yg pernah dianggap wasting time tu.. huhu~
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