Friday, March 20, 2009

Source of Hypercortisolism


Anonymous said...

just nk add jer
*approach yg ibnu abas post nie mmg yg kita practikkn kat lab HUSM of APEX....very easy & simple approach......bleh refer kat buku PRIMER(dr koay)...

Ibnu Abas on March 22, 2009 at 10:27 AM said...

mcm kenal je ayat anonymous nie.. huhu

Anonymous said...

hahaha..bukan x nak,huhuhu...mcm biasa,,,techncal prob..huhu

Jacknaim on March 22, 2009 at 3:13 PM said...

mcm mane ek mechanism dexamethasone suppression test tu??? dalam depression disorder pun gna test ni gak kan?

gg on March 22, 2009 at 6:08 PM said...

kepada jack tersayang...
dexa suppression test nie, mu kne paham hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis

ok, exogenous dexa, effecet die same ngan cortisol, so die akn bg -ve feedback ke pituitary n hypothalamus.

klau salah bgtaw k...
LOW dose dexa (0.5mg QD X 2/7)...
in normal person, serum cortisol level akn reduce at 0800hr. therefore cam test ni confirm ade Cushing Syndrome jers k..

Then kite nak differentiate la, ACTH dependent causes or non-ACTH dependent cause... so kite buat HIGH dose dexa...klau cortisol level become low at 0800 hr, so dah confirm ada pitutary adenoma secreting ACTH i.e. Cushing DISEASE.

klau serum cortisol level still elevated, so ade dua kemungkinan lg samada
1. ectopic ACTH synd/Paraneoplastic syndrome or
(ACTH dependent) or
2. Adrenal tumour (Non-ACTH dependent)
SO, kite measure plasma ACTH.

yup, pseudo-Cushing syndrome eg alcoholosm, pregnancy, major depression n obesity blh sbbkan test neh False +ve

Jacknaim on March 22, 2009 at 8:31 PM said...

thanx gg. tak tau la aku ni blaja ilmu sesat ke ape?? yg aku paham dexamethasone suppression test ini ada dua. satu betul la yg koi ckp tu utk confirm cushing syndrome.. tp kalau nak differentiate yg lain tu bukan ke kita panggil test tu dexamethasone suppression challenge test???? blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

gg on March 23, 2009 at 12:52 AM said...

yang tu x pasti... stkt aku taw, die de low dose n high dose dexamethasone supression test

anyone plz.... need help here!!!!!!!!!!!!

ck irah on March 23, 2009 at 5:50 AM said...

therapeutic use of dexamethasone in obstetrics: Dexamethasone may be given to women at risk of delivering prematurely in order to promote maturation of the fetus' lungs.

Anonymous said...

korang try bukak buku OHCM page 209... senang phm... try tau.. nnt gtau ok ke x...


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