A 60 years old malay male initially having history of epigastric pain for the past one year,reduced after taking male, and elevated when he skipped the meal.Patient refused to seek medical attention since he is tolerable with the pain,but patient realized the pain start worsen for the past few months.Patient also noted dark colour stool for the past two month.Currently,came to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain and broad like rigidity.
please interprete the chest x-ray
please interprete the chest x-ray
- present of gas underneath bilateral hemidiaphragm
- CTR:0.5
- poor lung inflation-the 5th passing the hemidiaphragm midpoint
give the possible diagnosis at this stage
perforated peptic ulcer
list the possible investigation
perforated peptic ulcer
list the possible investigation
- endoscopy
- full blood count
- blood urea and serum electrolyte
- urease test
kawan2.. salah ke if kita letak possible diagnosis kt as peritonitis?
'poor lung inflation-the 5th passing the hemidiaphragm midpoint'
apakah maksudnya?.
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